I sit here days on end, wondering when people as a whole can be held responsible for the actions we perform. I see on the news or on blogs or such that a religious group protests a soldier's funeral. I've seen disturbing things done in the name of God. From things like peaceful protests to discrimination causing mental abuse. Raising awareness of "sins" causing trauma in kids, teens and even adults.
We've seen them all over. People holding signs saying hateful things such as "F*gs are sinners", "Burn in Hell F*gs", or even holding signs that have dismembered babies protesting abortion. While my stance on abortion is not on trial, I feel it is the decision and responsibility of those who are doing it. I am naturally against abortion, but I can't even begin to fathom what would drive someone to do it. Maybe they were abused sexually by a family member, maybe they were raped? Maybe they know that the baby is better off dead than in their hands... Whatever their reason, it's theirs. We have no right to say that they're wrong. As for the LGBT community, I hope they know I am on their side 100%. I believe love knows no sex, race, religion, or anything else. Saying hat allowing gay marriage is equal to bestiality shows how low we sunk and narrow-minded people are. We live in a world where in the 1990s we allowed a man to marry himself. Who raised issue to that? The "Republican" Party did. Who declares that being gay is wrong and should be banned? Mostly "Republicans." I put the quotation marks around Republicans because in the last decade the thought process and the mindset of Republicans have changed. I am a Republican in the old-style sense. Focus on taxing people, for the people, by the people. In the 20's they didn't focus on LGBTs. They focused on what was important, in the sense that we were going down the drain, we needed to focus on our country's well-being, whether they were Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, or Transgender. Each person (some states included African-Americans in this) needed to help recover our economy, not for our self-image, but for our citizens.
I say we go back to those times. A hard, trying time where the senators and congress-people actually thought of us. We need to focus on our country as much as possible. Coming from a peace-loving religion, one that says "Share the wealth" I must say. We shouldn't share what we don't have. We have kids in America who are homeless, we have kids who are starving, we have kids who don't know how to read or even have clean, running water. Why focus on Ethiopia? I know, I'm horrible. I say take care of us, first. Then, once we re-introduce ourselves as the country who cares about our citizens so much, then we can give aid to others. I do also feel for those who live in Iraq, Afghanistan who need help living, those who live in oppression, who cannot express themselves as we can. If they truly are hurting due to their lives in that country, we can send a plane and import them. I'm not trying to say they are product, or services, themselves. But then set up a system. Why not increase the minimum wage so that people can live comfortably, those who become residents of America, legally, must pay taxes just like everyone else. Those whom we help to transport them here, they pay an extra small tax to support our economy. This is something I will discuss in a later post.
Back to the horrific Christians that decide to traumatize people. Being homosexual, bi-sexual, transgender is not a sin. In your belief, you must realize, that your God made them this way. Not for you to judge, not for you to criticize, not for you to torture. It is His way to teach that everyone is equal. His way of showing love comes in all forms. His way of showing you that it doesn't matter who you are, you need to be proud of who you are.
Did you know that the Christian religion is a peace-loving religion? I certainly didn't. I see proof for just the opposite going back to it's first believer. Christianity has thrived so well because of the fear they instilled on the populace back in the day. It's the monkeys, banana, water hose experiment all over again. To give you a briefing of that. A group of scientists put a group of monkeys in a room (please forgive me for not knowing where this was done or misquoting it, I am giving the paraphrased version). In the middle of the room, a ladder. Above the ladder a bunch of bananas hang. If a monkey climbed the ladder, and came close to the bananas, they were sprayed with a fire hose. Eventually, the monkeys realized they shouldn't do that. If one tried, the others would pull him/her down for their safety. Once they knew that the bananas were dangerous, they scientists took one out and replaced it with another. The new monkey would attempt climbing the ladder and met with a group of monkeys pulling it down for it's safety. Slowly they replaced all the monkeys, one-by-one. Each one was pulled down from the ladder for its safety. By the end of the experiment, none of the original monkeys were present, yet all of the monkeys in there wouldn't touch the ladder due to fearing for their safety. This also happened in human history... If you did not repent your pagan beliefs, you were killed. Your kids would see this and spread the fear for the Christians. They were the monkeys pulling others down for their safety. But this didn't sway the pagans who were willing to die for their beliefs. The Christians saw this and elected a new form of persuasion. They decided to mesh the religions. They'd preach peace and meet with tribes, Celts, Germs, Franks, etc. They'd sit and discuss religion and find out what they loved most about their religion and say "yep, we got that too!" Egyptians... You had a demi-god born from a virgin? Us too! He died to save humanity? Weird! Ours did too! He was ressurected 3 days later? Holy Moley! Ours too! Why not see what we have to offer? And that's when they got most of their cult recruits. While this was going on, the crusades were still in existence. Muslims (who have the same old testament), Jews (who have the same old testament), and Christians (who have the same old testament) were at war, deciding who was right and who was wrong. It still goes on. You would never see two pagan circles going to war deciding who was right or wrong. It was typically a feud that needed to be settled... Not about religion, but about debt, honour, love, territory, or other things.
Also in a later post, I hope to reach out to everyone who is homosexual, bi-sexual and/or transgender. Just know that life is amazing, don't let anyone put you down. If they do, get back up, dust yourself off and say "Is that all you got?"
The Wicked Wiccan signing out
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