Saturday, August 10, 2013

Me, in general

I sit here contemplating what to write on my blog. I could go on forever about my views of religion. My experiences with different occults (Christianity is an occult).  Then I thought about it.  Well, in order for anyone to know what I’m talking about, they must know what I’ve been through and what I’ve learned.  I am a renewed Wiccan. What do I mean by “renewed”?  I had lost my way during my first marriage.  I started off raised, a little tyke, as Lutheran.  I spent a good number of years oblivious as to what Lutheran meant. I knew that what my parents told me was real, true, and undeniable.  God was real, Santa was real, the Easter bunny was real, so on and so forth.  As I grew up, I experienced trauma beyond compare, I lost a cousin, Trish.  Shortly before she passed, she told my Uncle Jerry, her father, that Jesus told her he was next.  Less than one year later, he passed away… Most would say that That should be proof that God exists! Jesus told her so and it happened… But the problem I saw was such:  He drank himself to his death.  He killed himself not due to Divine intervention, but due to the loss of his daughter.  He was in so much pain that he drank it away… Permanently.  Shortly after that, I started doubting this “God” that I was told so much about… This “forgiving”, “loving”, blah, blah God.  Am I bitter at the loss of my uncle and cousin. Of course, My uncle was one of the coolest, greatest guys I’d ever known. He was a clown, he was a loving, caring,  generous guy who would do anything to please his friends and family.  I turned to the “dark side” so to speak… I became a Satanist (not to be confused with devil worship).  I had a mentor who taught me A LOT.  He taught me about the religion, about the basic laws and the comparison to a “standard” Christian viewpoint.  I left the Christian religion, abandoned it like it was a child who was a product of an obvious affair, due to all of the contradictions.  After 4 years of delving into a religion that I swore was right, my mentor brought on magick.  Satanic witchcraft, came to tear my belief system out of the water.  What started out as an innocent, self-loving religion, turned to one of pure hatred… A major change and contradiction.  I then dropped Satanism like it was hot and moved on to other religions.  It was at this time that I discovered I loved learning about other belief systems and their pros and cons.  I studied Buddhism, Jehova’s Witness, Islam, and Judism.  After I realized I was studying all the mono-theistic religions, not knowing what else there was, I looked back to the Native American tribes, the Egyptians, the Greek, the Romans, et al.  I came across Wicca. A poly-theistic religion that, like Native American tribes, looked towards Nature.  I started reading more into it and found that Wicca, like the majority of Pagan religions, varies from person-to-person, generation-to-generation.  Secrets aren’t necessarily encouraged. It is an open religion.  But the gyst of most mono v. poly-theistic religion is the same.  Don’t kill, don’t steal, don’t hurt, et cetera.  I am not blogging to push anyone to Wicca, but to educate… A Book of Mirrors so to speak… and with that, I end my first blog.

Merry part to all of my readers, I hope you get enjoyment out of this as much as I am enjoying writing this.

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