Saturday, October 5, 2013

A crazy little theory I have

Thoughts that keep me awake at night are slightly scary.  I sat up one night contemplating the human mind.  I know that you’re probably thinking ‘This isn’t religious, why is it on a religious rant blog?’ Let me get to that.  So, I was thinking about how powerful the human mind is.  Our mind can create and destroy just by thinking about something and believing it true.  I’m sure some of you have had a horrific nightmare where you are chased by something. You either get scratched, bitten, run into something or some other outcome happens.  But when you awaken, you have scars, or a bruise or some ailment that directly links to your dream.  It happens in a good way as well, maybe you fell in love, had a sexual dream, or became the mayor or something wonderful happened.   When you awaken you’re left aroused, in an extremely good mood.  Those effects are more mental than physical, but you get the point.  Also, our mind is so powerful, it can create illness or healing.  Some of us are able to extend that beyond just ourselves.  The proof lies within the sugar pill.  A study has shown that hypochondriacs tend to become ill a lot more than a “normal” person.  There have also been remarkable recovery successes due to a pill that contains nothing more than sugar.  Does this mean that sugar is the Miracle that humans have looked high and low for? It’s most likely not a likely candidate for such a title as “miracle”.  It happens that doctors will tell someone “This drug, glucosimine seritonum, has proven effective for such an ailment.” In reality they just gave you what is known as a placebo pill. In an effort to weed out those who believe they’re sick compared to those who are sick.  But these people who are sick believe in this miracle drug so much that their bodies will boost up the immune system, and fight extremely hard to fight and cure this ailment.  These people who are (I really don’t want to use the word duped)* cured are truly under the influence of their mind and not some pill. 

                Where am I going with this? Here I go.  I had contemplated the Disease HIV/AIDS.  I sat there thinking, what if HIV/AIDS was created by society to create fear of homosexuality and inter-racial relationships?  We as an advanced race are able to trace back diseases and ailments to their point of origin.  With the bubonic and pneumonic plague, it was a disease carried by rats, the disease was spread mainly by a blood transfusion caused by fleas.  Over several thousands of years, the disease evolved to attack humans.  We were able to trace it back to rats in labs saying “you know…. Blinky had these exact symptoms 100 years before, we just thought it was the experiments we were doing on them.”   It’s also curable.  The same goes with Polio, Tuberculosis, and the like.  Diseases can be cured if caught before they’re malignant to the extreme and declared fatal. But, even then, people have recovered from a stage 4 disease and deemed it an act of God.  (here we go, now we’re getting into the religious aspect. Wait, wait… Not yet!)  Back to my thought of HIV/AIDS.  Please, don’t misread this and think that I’m saying it doesn’t exist or anything like that.  It is a severe disease, and my heart and thoughts go out to all those affected by it.  But, my thought lies within, where did it start? Why have we not yet come up with a true cure? 

                My theory of the origin of this deadly disease stem from when and where it started.  In the 1980s doctors “discovered” this horrible disease and spread the word through the most powerful mode of transportation, word-of-mouth, then they used the media to get the word out even further.  There is no Patient X, no Ground Zero, and no real origin that we know of.  The beginning pattern also baffles me.  With TB, the Plague, etc. they show no discrimination. Anyone of Caucasian, African, Hispanic, Asian descent could contract these diseases. Even Homosexuals, Heterosexuals, Bisexuals, male, female, literally Anyone could get it.  Yet, in the 1980s, only Africans, and Homosexual males were contracting this disease.  I truly believe that those scientists who were highly against homosexuality and inter-racial relationships decided to try out a theory and see what happens.  “We’ll tell the public that there is a disease that affects only Africans and homosexual males.  That will strike the fear of God in them and they’ll stay with “their kind” and be “normal”.  But what happened to create this disease? Our mind has the power to heal us in ways we cannot believe.  No one ever thinks our minds have the power to destroy as equally great.  I think people, mostly Africans and Homosexual males believed this disease true so much, their minds created this disease.  TB, polio, and the like have a DNA strand that mostly resembles the first documented strain, slightly modified (mutated) each time it’s passed from one to another.  HIV/AIDS is unlike the others.  The disease has many different “origin strains”.  My theory on this is due to the disease “being created overnight” by several hundred people upon hearing about this disease.  If I am right about this I’m sure the geneticists or scientists who “created” this disease are rolling in their grave, knowing that they created the worse disease to ravage our planet, ever.  It has evolved to the point where it affects everyone.  
                Now is where I get religious.  There have been very few religious beliefs that ban or shun Homosexual or inter-racial relationships.  Unfortunately, these religions started around the same premise.  That following being Judaism.  Before Judaism, the belief system was focused on multiple gods/goddesses or higher powers.  The Native Americans, Mongolians, Irish, Scots, Gauls, Anglos, Saxons, et al. would offer their offspring for brides or grooms to create peace amongst the tribes.  Once they discovered they were not the only race, they offered the same to the other races and tribes.  Homosexuals in most Native American tribes were sent to war alongside their Heterosexual brethren, Their beliefs about men having sex with another man wasn’t to shun it, but used to prevent extramarital affairs while on the battlefield and at home.  No matter what your beliefs are; Christian, Jewish, Mormon, Wiccan, Roman, Norse, etc. we all know that the mono-theistic movement started with one religion, Judaism.  What baffles me though, is that even when the Jewish religion was put in place, they were a peaceful religion (as far as what the world is like now and has been since the Dark Ages).  They had wars, just like the Norse, the Gaelic, et al. But these were mostly feuds, started by wanting land, food, revenge for a fallen brother or sister.  War is inevitable for the human race.  However, it wasn’t until the formation of Christianity and Islam that caused a major war based solely on religion.  At first, it started as a simple clan war; a blood feud.  “No my messenger is the right one.” “No, my  messiah is the right one.”  Both sides tried to persuade other religions to join, by either manipulation or a stretching of truths. “We Christians celebrate what we call ‘Easter’, It’s just like your celebration of new life and Thanking the Earth and gods and goddesses.  We also have a rabbit that we sacrifice to our God, we also see the egg as a symbol for new life.  First, though, we must pray to our God, asking him to forgive you for your heathen belief.  You, what? Oh, we also bathe the newly joined people of our religion to symbolize the purification of the soul. Samhain? That’s the Devil’s day, we hang up scary scarecrows, wear masks, and such to scare the Devil from taking our souls.  Yule? Ummm, yeah, we take a coniferous tree in our house to celebrate the magic of life that this tree has. Did I mention that we have gifts? Oh, you do too? Well, we give them to each other instead of giving them to God.” Later, this method of “recruitment” proved useless against the Islam or Christian “hordes” and they resorted to conversion by fire.  They would invade the other religion and say “convert or die” once both sides realized this was more powerful than words; they inflicted the torment and pain upon the simple Pagan tribes.  
                In this conclusion, I ask that you understand one thing.  I do not hate people who are Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Mormon, or any other religion.  It is not the person, it is the religion, itself.  These religions were started on peace, love and understanding.  They evolved, much like any parasite, disease or cancer to embrace hatred, war, and misrepresentation.  You, whether Wiccan, Christian, etc. are a human being, capable of healing, honesty, love, respect, and have the right of freedom, no matter what someone else tells you.  You have the freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of happiness, as long as you choose not to go the paths of our ancestors bathed in bloodlust, greed and loathing.  You have my blessing and encouragement to practice whichever religion you choose.  Thank you for reading.  Merry be, Merry part, and may you be blessed by your higher power for the rest of your days.


*I didn’t want to use the word “duped” or the like, due to doctors following their code… To do what they can to aid in the healing of others, to harm none, and to help in other ways.

P.S. I did not go through medical schooling, the idea behind the HIV/AIDS disease  is a theory. It was created to employ your mind, to make you think and to share my beliefs.  I hope you take this as such.